Swiss Takeover Board

The Swiss Takeover Board (TOB) is a Federal Commission established under the Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading of March 24, 1995. The Takeover Board shall, in each case, ensure compliance with the rules applicable to public offers.        


Cicor Technologies AG

The Swiss Takeover Board has determined that OEP 80 B.V.’s public tender offer to the shareholders of Cicor Technologies Ltd. meets the legal requirements and has made statements regarding the handling of Cicor Technologies Ltd.’s employee participation programs in respect of this offer.

Orascom Development Holding AG

The Swiss Takeover Board has determined that LPSO Holding Ltd.’s public tender offer to the shareholders of Orascom Development Holding Ltd meets the legal requirements.

Ultima Capital SA

The Swiss Takeover Board has made statements regarding a request by Ultima Capital SA for the introduction of an opting out provision in Ultima Capital SA’s articles of association.  

Peach Property Group AG

The Swiss Takeover Board has granted H21 Macro Limited and Rainer-Marc Frey an exemption from the duty to make a public tender offer concerning Peach Property Group Ltd.

ENR Russia Invest AG

The Swiss Takeover Board has determined that Valartis Ltd.’s public tender offer to the shareholders of ENR Russia Invest Ltd. meets the legal requirements.